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Micro Page: A simple trick on how to break social media restrictions

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Karol Andruszków

Did you know that one of the most important trends in business today is omnichannel? This is a strategy according to which you should be present with your offer in as many channels as possible, including social media. The more, the better, because you will be more accessible to your customers. That's not all. Remember that all of your channels, should work closely together. However, combining them effectively may not be easy. Fortunately, we have a solution for that.

Customers on the Internet are - unfortunately - very dispersed. They are constantly migrating between one platform and another. Of course, in certain industries, one channel is more effective than the other. That's why fashion companies are so keen on Instagram - which allows them to use images to show stylish juxtapositions of their products, and IT companies on LinkedIn - because it's the easiest place to find partners and specialized employees.

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1. Why is it hard for you to promote yourself on Instagram, Facebook and other social media?

Why is it not easy to promote a company on Facebook and other social media?

For years we have seen not only the growth of users of social media platforms, but also an increasing number of them. It used to be that Facebook was the only one that counted, then YouTube, Twitter, Instagram (in time bought out by Facebook), Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok came into play... Unfortunately, through the increasing number of social media, their users - which include your customers - are becoming more and more scattered. They move between media, and it's getting harder and harder for you to catch them, encourage them with your offer, let alone make a sale!

This situation will only grow! Why? The reason is very simple. Social media platforms are competing with each other all the time. Some are rapidly gaining popularity (such as: TicToc), and others are losing popularity even faster (such as Snapchat). Moreover, according to research, we are spending more and more time on social media. There is no indication that the situation will change anytime soon. And this means that if you want to promote and make money online - you need to learn how to use social media.

2. Omnichannel - effective sales strategy in social media.

Whether you're a freelancer, a blogger, run a business, a YouTube channel or just want to make money online - promoting you or your business on Facebook may no longer be enough to be seen on social media. And remember that a prerequisite for growing quickly online, is expanding your reach - regularly reaching newer and larger groups of customers. You won't achieve this without an effective plan of action across channels. In other words - you won't achieve it without an omnichannel strategy!

One of the prerequisites for successful omnichannel is to make it as easy as possible for people to access you (or your company) and your offerings. If you sell through a website, and at the same time you run a YouTube channel and advertise on LinkedIn - your customers should move quickly and very easily between the different channels. The faster they can find what interests them, the greater the chance you will sell them your products or services.

3. How does social media hinder customer acquisition? Example of links on Instagram.

Unfortunately, social media platforms are reluctant to support omnichannel activities. A great example is BIO on Instagram, which only allows you to post a single link, leading to a page of your choice. Why this limitation? As we mentioned, social media are constantly competing with each other. The most valuable thing for them is the attention of their audiences, or in other words, the time and commitment that users devote to the platform. So it's natural that they don't want users to leave them and move on to other, competing sites or platforms.

An additional impediment, in conducting effective omnichannel activities, is simply the lack of knowledge of how to do it properly. This problem often affects entrepreneurs who, due to the nature of their industry, need to be present in multiple channels simultaneously. They often lack the right tools (such as a landing page or instapage, which we write about later in the article) to quickly and intuitively present to potential customers all the brand channels (website, Facebook profile, Instagram, etc.) that may interest them.

4. BOWWE Micro Page - a great way to break the limitations of social media.

However, the limitations of social media - such as the link limit in the bio - can be easily broken. With help come so-called link aggregators, or landing pages, which contain all the links necessary for a given creator, freelancer or business. In landing pages, the emphasis is on graphically attractive design and clear, intuitive breakdown and placement of links on the page. Why are these two factors so important? Such landing pages are the center of navigation for users interested in the activities of a given company, freelancer or creator. So they must be attractive and clear - using them should save users' time and be purely a pleasure. Importantly, these tools work on the basis of templates, so anyone can create such a page on their own, without any help from a programmer (just like the pages created in BOWWE)!

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At BOWWE, we only create solutions that make it easy to do business and make money online. In line with this principle, we have already built BOWWE Business Builder - an extremely simple but technologically advanced website builder that incorporates a multitude of applications to facilitate online sales. So we couldn't pass by link aggregators indifferently, especially since this solution is becoming increasingly important!

So we designed our own aggregator - BOWWE Micro Page!

Obrazy mikrostrony

We wanted it to be easy to use, beautifully designed, very helpful and immediately actionable. That's how we created an intuitive and highly effective tool, with a simple goal: to overcome the limitations of social media and make it easier to manage your online channels. With its help, you will effectively promote yourself on Instagram, Facebook and all other social media, adding ALL the links that are important to you in your bio and other key places!

5. What results will you achieve, with the BOWWE Micro Page?

BOWWE Micro Page is dedicated to bloggers, youtubers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and anyone who earns or wants to earn online. Below are the benefits that our tool provides. Regardless of whether you are:

If your blog or YouTube channel is one of the most important channels for your business, BOWWE Micro Page will allow you to drive traffic to it more effectively. Chances are, as a blogger, you record podcasts or create courses, tutorials and training that you want to sell. With the help of our tool, on one landing page, you will include links to all the sites where you offer products, signed with your personal brand, in an attractive form.​​​​​​​It will also look a heck of a lot better than a giant block of text in your YouTube bio, with poorly visible, leading links to you (or bio on instagram, with insertable, only one link). Also, if you are building a community around you, e.g.: running Facebook groups, putting a link to the BOWWE Micro Page in the group's description (or in a pinned post at the very top of the group) will allow you to limit all other links and improve navigation through your channels. By doing so, you will show your organization and professionalism. People will consider you an expert in your field.

Today's influencers need to be active in multiple social media simultaneously. This forms the backbone of their business and helps build their personal brand and community around them. So if you're annoyed that you can only post one link in your bio on Instagram or TicToc - the solution is the BOWWE link aggregator. It will help you bind your fans more strongly to you. Make it easy for them to follow you and drive traffic to your desired pages, such as: Landing Page with your course, a store with your products or a fundraiser for an important cause.

Regardless of the field of art, it is not easy for budding artists to reach a wider audience. Irreplaceable for this are platforms (Youtube, Bandcamp,SoundCloud, Dribbble, Behance, etc.) that allow your works to exist online. It is equally important to have an online portfolio (which you can also quickly create with the help of BOWWE), designed according to your individual style.

With the help of the BOWWE Micro Page, you will easily direct all visitors to your portals and those interested in your art, to places you particularly care about. This could include: fundraising for the release of your first album, on sites such as Patreon or Kickstarter. You will also be able to include links to articles mentioning you in the media.

With the tool created by BOWWE, you will be able to effectively promote yourself online. You will put your portfolio, email address, all social media profiles and much more. This way you will show that you are organized, inspire confidence in your clients and get more orders. The link aggregator can also be a great guide to your portfolio, pointing visitors to your most interesting projects!

​​​​​​​As we have already mentioned, social media is now an important customer acquisition channel for companies. The key to increasing earnings from them is the effective use of omnichannel strategies. Have you ever visited a restaurant's profile on Instagram or Facebook and had to search for its menu in a folder of photos? This is just an example of bad use of online channels. With BOWWE Micro Page you will create a page that will quickly redirect your customers to:

  • Your website
  • Facebook profile
  • Instagram profile
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Company Blog
  • Online store
  • Pages, containing important information (e.g. contact, price list, menus, locations, etc.).

With BOWWE Micro Page so any company that wants to effectively sell on the Internet can benefit!

6. What do you MUST remember from this article?

In conclusion, today, conducting omnichannel activities online - crucial to effective monetization - is constrained by social media. Giants, such as Facebook, do not want to drive users from their portals and support possible competition. Unfortunately, this reflects on anyone who wants to promote their channels, such as a website, blog, portfolio, on social media. TicToc or Instagram do not allow us to show the audience links, leading to many of our pages. Promoting a company on Facebook, Instagram, etc. becomes difficult.

7. BOWWE Micro Page - perfect solution for you!

To solve this problem, we created BOWWE Micro Page-an easy-to-use link aggregator with which you can create a professional and effective landing page with all the links you need in just a few minutes. With its help you will bring more traffic to your pages and profiles.

If you want to use BOWWE Micro Page on your website or social media, we have good news for you. In celebration of Black Friday, we have significantly reduced prices on our tools. Now you know how to add links on Instagram and other social media. Start growing with us today!